Sunday, November 9, 2008

Turn of Events

I have been the world's most negligent blogger! The waiting game has changed a bit. I'm still in awe that the Chlomid and the HCG shots actually worked. Oh me of little faith, I know. But they did and I am now 12 weeks pregnant! My negligence has everything to do with fatigue and trying to tell everyone the good news in a more personal way than just posting it here on my blog...which I pretty much failed at due to the fatigue.

I took a three hour nap today. It was glorious! My weekend naps are my saving grace and I miss them terribly during the week. I sleep so much better during the afternoon than I do at night...mostly because I'm up every couple of hours and turn from side to side numerous times throughout the night. My poor husband.

So, I have transitioned from the pain of infertility to the joy of motherhood and I feel so unworthy. I'm truly humbled by the mercy God has shown us. And I still feel intensely for all who struggle to conceive. I am grateful, even as I was when I was going through it myself, for the insight into what that struggle is like. I feel like I have an understanding that so many others do not. For that I am truly grateful. And I certainly understand what a miracle the creation of new life is. How people can take that for granted is beyond me. It is such a miracle and not to be abused or disregarded.

I shall try to be better about writing more frequently.

By the way, my meal planning is on hiatus. My husband is on a diet and I can barely find anything I can stomach, so I'm back to winging it...and am indebted to NutriSystem for feeding my husband so I don't have to think about it!