Thursday, March 26, 2009

Funny Fears

January can't be that long ago, right? My time has been eaten away by checking Facebook, I think. That and working, moving to a new place, sleeping.

So, things are moving along here. I don't feel like I have anything particularly profound to write, which is my best excuse for my negligence. I feel like I have tons to do before the little guy arrives. The first trimester seemed to take a while, second flew by and now the third is somewhere in between. I'm super excited to meet my little baby face-to-face, but also terrified of taking care of him on the outside. It's comfortable having him inside...but how do I keep him safe once he's in the world apart from me?! And I find myself ridiculously worried about dropping him...probably because I seem to drop just about everything these days. Everytime I go to throw something away it ends up on the floor next to the garbage! The worst was the other day at dinner. First I knocked over my husband's water glass and then a few minutes later I spilled a bowl of salsa all over my plate. The latter worked well for dipping, but it was absolutely ridiculous. I think I even caught an expression on my husband's face that said, "Are you for real? How on earth did you just do that?" He was quite gracious when he spoke though. So, I'm thinking my clumsiness is the root of my fear that I'll drop the baby! For now, I'm just going to enjoy having him right where he is for now!