Monday, September 13, 2010

I am so NOT a shopper. My son very uncharacteristically fell asleep in his stroller (read: for the first time ever) while we were at the mall. At first I was panicked. I had a proofreading gig I had planned to work on while he napped. This wasn't in the plan at all! Finally it dawned on me that his was not a problem, but rather an shop in peace for the first time in over a year. And I even had gift cards to spend! So, I finished up my business at Target and headed over to Macy's, where I had $75 free money to spend (well, free to me). I had already decided, though that I'm a terrible shopper; not to be trusted in picking out things I'd like once I got them home. I've been pondering asking a friend or friends for help, but I hate to drag someone else shopping with me, to buy stuff for myself. Maybe it is my indecisiveness that gives me pause; I'd hate to waste their time and come away with nothing. (Wow, that sentence alone was so indecisive!) So, I really had no intention of actually spending my gift cards (which, by the way, I've had for four months). This was an intelligence gathering mission (we've been watching Alias on DVD, can you tell?). I expected to get some clue of what I might like to buy, or what I might be looking for, but I came away absolutely convinced that I need help! Oooh, maybe a trip to a show like "What Not to Wear" wouldn't be so bad after all....although I absolutely cringe at being the center of that sort of attention. Anyway, the point is, my fashion sense is not to be trusted and I really need someone to walk me through what would even look halfway decent on me. I resisted the urge to just give up the whole thing and buy earrings...which was helped by the fact that even the earrings were way more than I would normally spend on even the most vital necessity.
I had finally decided I'd had enough browsing and was headed for the door when I decided I'd better use the ladies lounge, since my new, and more comfortable destination was by the fountains outside to write down everything about the experience that I then wanted to share here. Alas, it took me 20 minutes just to reach the bathroom and return to the exit (Macy's really is the world's largest department store), and by then my boy was up. No reflecting by the fountains while I sipped an overpriced mocha. Nope, off to the pet store to be entertained by wrestling kittens. As for Macy's, I feel a little like I did after my first day of Junior High..."you mean I have to go back?" Don't get me wrong, I'm very grateful for gift cards to spend. I just have no earthly idea how to do it!