Monday, August 4, 2008

New Kid on the Block

I'm new to the blogosphere...well, the action part of things. I'm naturally analytical, so I've been considering this foray for some time; there was research to do, decisions to make, and that final leap. I have to give credit where it is due and thank my husband and friends for their encouragement to finally just do it! Some would call my slow progress procrastination, but I think that would entail ignoring the call altogether rather than doing intensive research...well, perhaps that does describe me; thinking about research occupied more of my time than actually doing it!
I once read somewhere that the dread of a task is worse than just doing it, and that's certainly proven true in my life. Not that I dread doing this...I have just dreaded the vulnerability of putting my story and my writing online for all to see.

That seems strange for a writer. The presumption is that writers like to be read. I like to be read, too, I suppose; particularly if it can help people. I do love to write and share my thoughts, which is why I finally began this blog. The actual impetus for jumping online has been a very personal struggle my husband and I have been going through (the subject of my second post, and more than likely many others). But I can't promise that's all I'll write about. I've been writing for years and I'm excited to share some of what I've written in the past, and new thoughts that occur to me down the line. I'm a published writer, a proofreader, and an editor so this isn't a far reach for me. However, my "day job," is quite the contrary...all numbers and balance sheets. Ugh. I'm sure you'll hear more about that as well. So, the misery of my 9-5 has catapulted me into this creative outlet; an act of self-preservation as much as anything else. Well, that's me in a nutshell, and why I'm here. I do hope that people will enjoy what I write and benefit in some small way. Thanks for reading.


Cass said...

Well this just got added to my favorites! I'm so excited for you and to read all your write cause I think you are an awesome writer. I sent you an email telling you why my name is dfferent on here, hope it's not too confusing. Love ya!

Rachael said...

YEAH for you blogging!!! it is so fun to read your writing!!!! you are a great writer!!!!

The Aubrinator said...

I've got you bookmarked now!
If you want to see my blog, which is not 1/8 as classy as yours (think hit and run writing instead of thoughtful and polished) click on my name and it should come up!