Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Grandma's Memoirs

Could it be? Two posts in a week's time? Yes it could...as long as Luke doesn't get up before I hit "publish." It's been one of those days. I think I just got up on the wrong side of the bed and it's kind of gone that way ever since. Actually, even before that. Luke had been sleeping better, but now it feels like he's regressing. Argh! Who knew sleep could be such a problem?! Most parents, I'm guessing. And God bless people who have insomnia. Though it seems like there should be a co-op of people who can't sleep taking care of those who won't!

What I actually wanted to write about though was that I've been reading my Grandmother's memoirs. What a treasure. I have started them numerous times in the past, but for some reason I could never really get into them. That seems strange because I know all the "characters" and many of the places. It makes me think of trying to read Cannery Row while I worked on Cannery Row; I just couldn't do it. I think I needed to be a wife and mother before I could really appreciate Grandma's memoirs. Now I'm eating them up. It's so interesting, too, because not only are the places where I knew Grandma familiar, but I've now been to so many of the places she was before I knew her. She grew up here in San Diego, and had both of her children here. She lived in Brooklyn, and the D.C. area. So it's fun to hear her talk about places I know in a different capacity. I hope more of my family will write memoirs. Of course, I don't know if I'd ever sit down and do it in that way...though I might. But I have boxes of journals, and there's this.

There is nothing like reading someone else's life story to give you perspective on life itself, and how truly brief each of our lives are. Just a blink of an eye in the grand scheme of the world. That's sobering. Yesterday I read of the two month period in which my grandmother lost both of her parents. Heartbreaking. But it started me on this trajectory. They would have passed on before I was born no matter when they died. After all, they were in their 80's back then...in 1950...27 years before I was born. In some ways it helps to look at our lives with that perspective. Maybe we don't need to take some things so seriously, and maybe we need to take others more seriously. Maybe Luke's sleep problems really aren't that big a deal when compared to the man he becomes and what I do to guide him. (Of course that's an easier task when we're all well-rested). Anyhow, it gave me pause and I've shared it here...hopefully not depressing everyone along the way.

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