Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Waiting Game

I realized this morning that I've never really written about this critical element of the struggle to conceive...waiting. I took my last injection last Friday morning. All in all, they weren't too bad; and like I've mentioned elsewhere, I did feel much better, so that made it worth it. The unfortunate thing is that the medicine can lengthen the post-peak phase. In other words, it can make the waiting longer. Ugh. You also can't take a home pregnancy test and instead have to wait a little longer and go for a blood test. Waiting, waiting, waiting. That's the name of the game. So, we wait.

The waiting is where the torture part comes in. A woman's mind can be a terrible place...imagining all of the possible outcomes, clinging to the ones she hopes will come true despite whatever signs may point in the opposite direction. That constant question..."Do I/you feel pregnant?" Well, I have no earthly idea what that might feel like, so how the heck am I supposed to answer that? I can read all of the supposed "symptoms" of pregnancy, but then you hear, "but everyone is different." So, really, there isn't any way to know, except that I would imagine that when I am, I will know. People will also say not to focus so much on it, but in the same way people train for careers as doctors and lawyers and accountants, I've trained for this. Motherhood is the only career I've ever aspired to...well, that and being a wife.... I just want to know when graduation is and I can finally start the job.


Diane said...

My thoughts are with you and my fingers are crossed.

The Aubrinator said...

I'm praying for you as you wait. I hope you can be distracted in good ways till your blood test.

Rachael said...

the song that comes to mind is one that we used to sing at the magazine. all it was is the words,

"trust, remember, believe, receive, oh, trust, remember, believe, receive!!!!!!

I love you! Know that i am praying for you! I want you to graduate!!!!

as if you need to hear about any more "signs of pregnancy" but if you start peeing a lot and parts of your anatomy start to grow! =) those might be some signs!! =)