Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Munch is Here!

Quarterly posts were not exactly what I had in mind when I started this blog. The only excuse I can think of is the same lame one everyone has been busy.

So, the little guy is here and he's precious. All of the fears I have of taking care of him and keeping him safe remain. I knew lack of sleep would be a huge challenge, and I was right. But we are slowly getting more comfortable in our roles as mother and son. It will be six weeks tomorrow. The trauma of labor and delivery are beginning to feel like a distant memory rather than a raw wound. I seemed to take labor and delivery rather hard. I hesitate to say too much, not wanting to scare my friends, or solidify the memories so much that I fear doing it again. :-) But it is indeed very difficult! Hardest thing I have ever done, physically. Spiritually, too, I would venture to say. Of course motherhood will probably prove to be the hardest thing I've actually done.

Currently my cute little munchkin is sleeping on my lap after having some dinner. Feeding him has also proven to be a challenge. But we are still learning all about that as well!

I have to say, too, that I am so, so grateful for some answered prayers to the intentions of my labor. Two friends who struggled with infertility are now pregnant. Praise God. What a miracle!!! The funny thing is, I think they were both about six weeks when I had Luke. God is amazing!!

Well, hopefully I can get into some sort of routine and write more frequently...especially since I will now be a full-time homemaker and will probably need this outlet. So, so looking forward to settling into this new job!

1 comment:

Their Momma said...

Yeah!! Hugs and kisses from TN!!